This painting nearly killed me mentally. I wish you could see the progression. He started out looking like the Mucinex man but 10,000 tweaks later, I think I got it.

This painting nearly killed me mentally. I wish you could see the progression. He started out looking like the Mucinex man but 10,000 tweaks later, I think I got it.
You know it’s been a long time since I have written a blog post. I guess I stopped at the start of Covid when my anecdotes seemed too inconsequential. But writing made me feel productive. Made me proud of creating something. Made me happy I may have compelled someone to smile.
Well, it happened again! I found another creative outlet. Art with pastels! Who knew? Certainly not me. I’m a certified left-brainer (or so I thought), who has not practiced art since grade school. Luckily, I met a special artist, Mary Telfer, whose passion infected me. Now I’m hooked.
I encourage everyone to take a leap of faith. Step into the uncomfortable. Be vulnerable. Art will invigorate you and it produces a peace in your soul. And it will kinda blow your mind.
Take me, for example. I am a tennis player, pickleballer, cook, water bug, blogger, traveler, and now a beginner artist! If you look at me I look like a couch potato. Ouch! Add comedian. 😆
Pastel art. My new shiny pearl.
Check artist Mary Telfer out at for zoom classes or lessons.